
User Guide


  1. Introduction
  2. Features
    1. Adding of tasks to Duke
    2. Modifying tasks in Duke
    3. Searching and listing tasks in Duke
  3. Shortcut commands and modifying them
  4. Command summary

1. Introduction

This is a modified Duke task manager named Pepeg for all your daily tasking needs.

2. Features

There are 3 main features of Duke: adding of tasks, modifying tasks & searching and listing of tasks.

2.i Adding of tasks to Duke

The list of tasks you can add to Duke: deadline, event, todo

Deadline deadline {task to do} /by {date}

Adds a task to Duke with its description and date to be done by. Eg.

deadline 2103T IP /by 19/9/2019 2359

Event event {activity} /at {date}

Adds an event to Duke with its description and date of the event. Eg.

event 2013T Lecture /at 20/9/2019 1400

Todo todo {task to do}

Adds a task to Duke with its description. Eg.

todo sleep early

2.ii Modifying tasks in Duke

There are 2 ways of modifying tasks in Duke: deletion of tasks & marking tasks as done

Delete delete {index of task to be deleted}

Deletes a task at the specified index and displays the deleted task. Eg.

delete 420

Done done {index of task to be marked as done}

Marks a task as done at the specified index and displays the done task. Eg.

done 1337

2.iii Searching and listing tasks in Duke

Find find {keyword(s) to match}

Finds tasks matching the given input keyword(s) and displays them. Eg.

find covfefe

List list

Displays all stored tasks in Duke. Eg.


3 Shortcut commands and modifying them

Default shortcuts

bye: b, deadline: dead, define: def, delete: del, done: d, event: e, find: f, list: l & todo: t

Define define {shortcut to be replaced} {new shortcut}

Redefine current shortcuts in Duke Eg.

define b cy4l8rk1d

4. Command summary

Below is a list of all of the commands in Duke currently.

Name Type Command Default shortcut
Deadline Adding of tasks deadline {task to do} /by {date} dead
Event Adding of tasks event {activity} /at {date} e
Todo Adding of tasks todo {task to do} t
Delete Modifying of tasks delete {index of task to be deleted} del
Done Modifying of tasks done {index of task to be marked as done} d
Find Accessing of tasks find {keyword(s) to match} f
List Accessing of tasks list l
Define Modifying shortcuts define {shortcut to be replaced} {new shortcut} def
Bye Exit program bye b